Senator McCain
Even though I am not a resident of Arizona, I watched with great interest your discussion with Sean Hannity regarding the budget crisis.
There are two entities who will suffer immediately from this "bizzaro" event: The economy, and the Tea Party. Eventually, this may cost President Obama the reelection, but at what cost to the people of this nation?
YES, spending must be brought to a "reasonable" limit (depending on who is defining reasonable), but MUST be manageable within the budget.
YES, we will need to increase the debt limit, and NOT in two phases which will start this "bizzaro" event all over again. Let President Obama fight for reelection, and let the American voters make that decision.
YES, Cut, Cap, and Balance is good for our future, but if it is a boulder in the path to a solution, then perhaps it should be a separate issue. Understandably, the Republicans, including Tea Party members, realize that the momentum is on their side at this time and need to make the most of this opportunity to get it passed. But we need to get unreasonable spending (pork, waste, golden/silver fleece) out of Congress.
YES, as you can tell, I am a Conservative fiscally and politically, and currently a member of the Tea Party because I believe in their principles. But the Liberal Senate and the President, as well as many Republicans in both houses, need to realize that politics is not a zero sum game. There is a third player in this game. It is the American people who are taking a dim view of our government and their "bizzaro" politics. Have we lost sight that this is a government "... of the people, by the people, and for the people ..." as Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address?
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