In the city of Chicago, there are multiple murders almost every night. Many of those killed or maimed are children and young adults. Based on the locations within Chicago and ethnicity of the murders, it is very likely attributed to gangs and gang wars. Mayor Daley and the Chicago politicians have chosen to ignore the gang crime and instead concentrate on a gun ban. The problem is not the guns, Mayor, it is the gangs! Whether or not the possession of a gun is legal or not is of no consequence to the gang members. Legislating gun ownership only affects the citizen who wants to protect him/herself and their family.
Then there is the issue of the legal system in Chicago, or the lack thereof. When a person has a criminal background especially when violent or reckless behavior is a pattern, they should be doing jail time and not walking out of court with a mild reprimand. The recent cop killer had shown repetitive criminal behavior and yet was allowed to walk the streets looking for another victim.
Mayor Daley, stop hassling the general public who want to defend themselves, and take decisive action against the gangs before more innocent children have to die.