
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who is Barack Obama?

For as long as I can remember there have always been conspiracy theories. Some are hype, but some are built on at least a degree of truth. In this case, it seems like there is overwhelming evidence that this President is not what he appears to be.

I can't ever recall having seen so many issues regarding a President's credibility. His far leftist associations such fascists as Bill Ayres and Reverend White, falsification of documents, appointments made which are questionable at best, policies which are counter to the needs of this nation, and the many books written regarding his dangerous policies as President bring into question "Who is he really?" and "What is his objective, if not the destruction of our Constitution?".

Our nation is on the precipice of failure, both monetarily and in our leadership as the beacon of Democracy to the free world. Obama's stewardship is steering us onto the rocks. Instead of moderating the discourse in Congress, he stuck to his leftist policies of more government control at the cost of fiscal responsibility. His response, as well as Congress, regarding the deadlock should have been "What is best for our country" instead of what is best for the party! The answer would have been, fix the immediate deficit by allowing for a temporary increase, but radically cut wasteful spending beginning NOW! That is what the nation was saying primarily through the voices of the Tea Party. But the liberal Senate and the President dug in their heels and ignored the will of the people. Had the President been a corporate CEO, the board would have had him fired for incompetency! But then he had no business experience.

Mr. President and members of our Congress, why are you there? Where is your moral compass. Is your whole purpose for serving to ensure your reelection to a cushy job and fat perks? You do not belong in the leadership of this country!

I am not a radical, but I love this country as do all of it's citizens. People gave up their lives to fight for our freedom and our Constitution. We don't want to lose our freedoms as government gains more control of our lives. I, like so many others in this greatest nation, are not willing to give up! Thomas Jefferson said that this country may need a revolution from time to time. The riots in Britain may be a precursor to our revolution. It is a shame that government has become blind to the will of the people.

Who are you Barack Obama? And what is your real agenda for this country? "Change" is NOT an answer. And we have already given up on "Hope".