
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fiscal Responsibility

Fiscal Responsibility -- What part of that statement is unclear to our governments - Federal, State, and Local?

Why are in this position to begin with? Where was Congress the last several years? This crisis has not just suddenly appeared and could not have been anticipated long ago. Congress, regardless of which party had control, continued to tax and spend for their favorite "pork" projects to help ensure their reelection and used taxpayer money at will for their special interests and perks, and to pad their retirement.

Yes, there are wars, and there were debts incurred, and there were "bailouts" (a whole 'nuther topic on stupidity). So let's blame the "other guy" whether a prior President, prior Congress, or the "other party"). Pogo said in one of the comic strips, "We have met the enemy, and it is us!" How true! WE are the cause of our failures, either through neglect, inattention, or just disregard for the rising problems.

Now we have reached a debt crisis point at ALL levels of government. Now, suddenly, as if there was no prior awareness, we (the unwary citizens) are being told that unless we allow the Federal government to raise the "debt ceiling", that we will be punished (my word) by higher taxes, stopping or limiting Social Security and Medicare payments (let's scare the elderly and disabled), face a financial crisis and economic recession with rising mortgage rates, higher food costs, more job loss (scare the rest of the public), and having our country's credit status downgraded.

The people of the United States, at each election, hope for the best. We put our faith and trust in those we elect to look out for us, and to vote for what is best for the people and NOT what is best for the party or self interest. I am sure that I express the feelings of the majority of intelligent voters, that our governments, at all levels, have let us down. It is up to Congress and the President to fix this problem with minimal impact to the citizens of this country, and to place fiscal responsibility as one of the primary goals of government in the future. That is why we elected you, so get on with it!

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