
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people

There are members of Congress who need to understand about the will of the people. The people of this great country want to remain in a free and democratic society, and to maintain the Constitution that has succeeded in guiding us for more than two hundred years.

Our forefathers had the wisdom and courage to establish this new country in a way that allowed for peaceful transition of leadership based on the judgment of the electorate and the electoral college. That leadership involves primarily two of the three branches of our government: the Executive and the Legislative. When either of these branches does not act in the best interest of the people of this country, the people need to speak out and demand that we are being served in our best interests and not for the convenience of the elected.

This administration and several of the those elected to Congress appear not to be sensitive to the will of the people. It is not a contest of which party is right, but what best serves the people. Each issue needs to be dealt with in a manner which answers the question without regard to the party: "What is in the best interest of the people that we serve?"

Every social system has it's benefits and it's flaws: Ours being that members of our government are elected, and in order to stay in office, they must be reelected. But at the same time they must be loyal to their party. That often results in a conflict of interest. In addition, there is pressure from lobbyists and the corruption of bills by earmarks which have no relation to the bill, but add additional costs. Talk of bipartisanship is often hollow, and unbridled power can lead to corruption.

The current administration needs to heed the will of the people. We need a smaller, more efficient government with greater fiscal responsibility. More government control is expensive and is contradictory to our democracy. The elected need to remember the words of Abraham Lincoln at the close of the Gettysburg Address: "... a government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish for the earth."

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