
Friday, September 2, 2011

Now is the Time for Better Government

For so many years and various administrations, our government has distanced itself from the people of this country. It is to the point where it is reasonable to ask - "Does our government work for us, or only in their self interest and big business?" Politics is a game of money and power. It is a zero sum game only in the fact that government wins and we lose.

We need to force the government to accept and adhere to basic principles from NOW forward.


Those principles are:

Government that adheres to the Constitution as written by our forefathers,

Government OF, BY, and FOR the people, and not of greedy self-interest and alliance with big money contributers,

Fiscal responsibility - Reduce unnecessary spending for Pork or special interest projects which only serve to bloat the budget. And again, stop buying favors from big money contributers. This means, trim the budget, spend within those limits, and be personally accountable for any unforeseen overage,

Get control of the FED or do away with it entirely. Trillions are 'lost' or unaccounted for with no explanation. What happened to the nine trillion that was unaccounted for? The FED has a strangle hold on our economy and our government is either afraid to touch it, or is being bought out,

Sever the connection between Big Pharma and the government especially the FDA. Stop letting people suffer and die for profits gained from the association of the FDA and Big Pharma. Medicine has come a long way in treating many illnesses including cancer without the necessity of cruel pain and suffering brought on by highly toxic drugs and treatments such as chemo and radiation. When people have to pay enormous amounts of money for pills to treat the symptoms but NOT alleviate the cause of the suffering, that only serves to enhance the huge profits of the pharmaceutical companies,

In conjunction with the above, it should be illegal for anyone who has connections with Big Pharma to be placed in a government position of responsibility where decisions can be made or influenced as to what standard of medicine is upheld. Proven methods - even where complete cancer remission is possible, is blocked, hindered, or discredited because it is not in the best interest of Big Pharma,

Any member of government, at any level or position, should be treated as a criminal for taking bribes of any kind from businesses or individuals. In this context, a bribe is any substantial money or favor received that can be used to influence that person's vote on a bill favorable to the business or individual involved. This is illegal in the corporate world, then why not in government!


To all members of government, whether Federal, State, or Local, in whatever capacity, please read and understand your responsibilities as defined in The Patriot Declaration. Actually, ALL citizens of this country should read it along with several other documents penned by the founding fathers. I recommend the website for patriotic literature which should be read by all Americans - especially those persons in government.

We need a return to Civics classes in school so that children can understand what it means to be a citizen of this uniquely free society and understand that so many lives were lost or damaged by those who defended those freedoms.

We will never live in Utopia, but the United States is THE beacon of freedom to the world. To give up our position to a world government is to give up our lives to totalitarianism where, at a whim, our liberties, our monetary system, and our very lives will become meaningless in the world view. Aldous Huxley saw it coming in "Brave New World". And, the realization of '1984' is about 18 years off. We need to take back our government and become a society where people have value other than statistics.

We need to do it NOW! In my opinion, Ron Paul currently appears to be the only candidate that comes closest to these principles. Let's stop voting for the person with best clothes or hairdo. Every candidate is going to say what we want to hear. It is what is in the heart of the candidate that will define his/her principles. Find out what the person is REALLY like, and not some sound bite pushed by biased media. Remember, Hitler told the people of Germany what they wanted to hear. We all know were that led.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Crimes against the American public by our government

The most heinous crime against the American public by our government has been going on for many years.

I was diagnosed last month with stage IV cancer (mesothelioma) due to my exposure to asbestos in the Navy 1957-1961. Navy veterans were exposed since the ships were laden with asbestos for insulation and fire control. Many have already died from cancer not knowing the cause, and those like me, are not diagnosed until it has metastasized to other organs of the body. Although the government knew many years ago that Navy veterans and workers in boilers, brakes, gaskets, insulation, wallboard, and many other products were dying from mesothelioma because the government did not warn them of the danger or to watch for symptoms.

After several tests and a biopsy it was determined to be mesothelioma which is a specific form of lung cancer that attacks the lining of the lung. In any case, it takes a long time (as much as 50 years) to become apparent, and by that time it is terminal. As much as 30% of all victims are Navy veterans.

That is one thing that the government hid.

The standard treatments are surgery, chemo, and radiation which only prolongs the cancer but rarely is effective in removing it. And, even then, it does a lot of damage to areas of the body with fast growing cells such as the stomach, esophagus, hair and can cause infertility.

In doing research for the best treatment I came across a site that claims to have a high rate of CURE (complete remission) without the bad side effects. I was skeptical and found several articles that discredited it. Even my oncologist said it was bogus so I was ready to opt for chemo.

Then on further investigation, I found many people actually were 'cured' for 10 or more years with no recurrence. This included brain, lung, breast, prostrate, and many other forms of cancer including stage IV, even after their doctors told them that they had only weeks or months to live. I recommend that if any of you have cancer or have someone close who is dealing with cancer, to at least view the film
about The Burzynski Clinic

That is another thing that the government hid and continues to hide.

This film should convince you that cancer can be cured, and that the government does not want it to be known. They would prefer that people suffer and die rather than cut off billions from the big pharmaceutical companies who pay off the FDA to keep their expensive and often failed drugs on the market. How many times have we seen major ads for a 'new' medicine only to find out months or years later that it caused serious side-effects including cancer and death. Dr. Burzynski has been persecuted for more than 30 years, and threatened with jail. worse than the Communist government that he grew up in. Then his patents were stolen by an employee that left and went to Elan Pharmaceuticals who then proceeded to re-patent his medications.

He has fought our government and 'Big Pharma' over 6 attempts to discredit him and destroy his credibility even while he was having great success in treating late stage cancers when standard medicine and drugs were not effective.

Obviously, I am going to his clinic in Houston for treatment. Even though there is no guarantee of a cure, I will write in later blogs of the results. If you know of someone with cancer, do not give up. There is hope.

My goal is that once I am hopefully cured of this cancer, I intend to testify before Congress of the tragedy that our government is imposing upon us and demand that action be taken to stop the greed and help the people of this country. Obamacare is a joke compared to this. It only serves to perpetuate the business of medicine as usual when we can save billions of dollars and save the lives and suffering of so many people.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Who is Barack Obama?

For as long as I can remember there have always been conspiracy theories. Some are hype, but some are built on at least a degree of truth. In this case, it seems like there is overwhelming evidence that this President is not what he appears to be.

I can't ever recall having seen so many issues regarding a President's credibility. His far leftist associations such fascists as Bill Ayres and Reverend White, falsification of documents, appointments made which are questionable at best, policies which are counter to the needs of this nation, and the many books written regarding his dangerous policies as President bring into question "Who is he really?" and "What is his objective, if not the destruction of our Constitution?".

Our nation is on the precipice of failure, both monetarily and in our leadership as the beacon of Democracy to the free world. Obama's stewardship is steering us onto the rocks. Instead of moderating the discourse in Congress, he stuck to his leftist policies of more government control at the cost of fiscal responsibility. His response, as well as Congress, regarding the deadlock should have been "What is best for our country" instead of what is best for the party! The answer would have been, fix the immediate deficit by allowing for a temporary increase, but radically cut wasteful spending beginning NOW! That is what the nation was saying primarily through the voices of the Tea Party. But the liberal Senate and the President dug in their heels and ignored the will of the people. Had the President been a corporate CEO, the board would have had him fired for incompetency! But then he had no business experience.

Mr. President and members of our Congress, why are you there? Where is your moral compass. Is your whole purpose for serving to ensure your reelection to a cushy job and fat perks? You do not belong in the leadership of this country!

I am not a radical, but I love this country as do all of it's citizens. People gave up their lives to fight for our freedom and our Constitution. We don't want to lose our freedoms as government gains more control of our lives. I, like so many others in this greatest nation, are not willing to give up! Thomas Jefferson said that this country may need a revolution from time to time. The riots in Britain may be a precursor to our revolution. It is a shame that government has become blind to the will of the people.

Who are you Barack Obama? And what is your real agenda for this country? "Change" is NOT an answer. And we have already given up on "Hope".

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Impeach the President?

Impeachable Offenses

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says, "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors." In his report, Independent Counsel, Starr accuses President Clinton of committing eleven acts for which he could be removed from office by impeachment. Are any of those acts "Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors?" Well, that's up to the members of the House of Representatives. According to Constitutional Lawyers, "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" are (1) real criminality -- breaking a law; (2) abuses of power; (3) "violation of public trust" as defined by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers. In 1970, then Representative Gerald R. Ford defined impeachable offenses as "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history." An excellent definition, Mr. Former President. In the past, Congress has issued Articles of Impeachment for acts in three general categories:

Exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office.

Behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office.

Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain.

All three of the above offenses apply to Obama. His policies are definitely not aligned with the Constitution that he swore to uphold. All of his major agendas are leading us to financial ruin and Socialism. The House needs to consider impeachment even though the Liberal lap-dogs in the Senate will probably vote it down. This is a critical time in our government. We cannot tolerate more of this "Change" to Socialism.

Overwhelm the system

HEY CONGRESS! The American public doesn't give a damn which party you are in. Vote for what is BEST FOR THE PEOPLE! Stop playing politics with our future and do the job you were elected for. To protect the Constitution and do what is right. Screw the party politics! Most of you who are holding this country hostage will not be there next term anyway!

And as for "President" Obama, there is growing concern that his agenda is NOT in line with our Constitutional Republic. His policies and the Democrats who follow him like puppies are pushing us into socialism. Read this and you will see where "Change" is leading us! Overwhelm the system

Friday, July 29, 2011

Letter to Senator McCain

Senator McCain

Even though I am not a resident of Arizona, I watched with great interest your discussion with Sean Hannity regarding the budget crisis.
There are two entities who will suffer immediately from this "bizzaro" event: The economy, and the Tea Party. Eventually, this may cost President Obama the reelection, but at what cost to the people of this nation?

YES, spending must be brought to a "reasonable" limit (depending on who is defining reasonable), but MUST be manageable within the budget.

YES, we will need to increase the debt limit, and NOT in two phases which will start this "bizzaro" event all over again. Let President Obama fight for reelection, and let the American voters make that decision.

YES, Cut, Cap, and Balance is good for our future, but if it is a boulder in the path to a solution, then perhaps it should be a separate issue. Understandably, the Republicans, including Tea Party members, realize that the momentum is on their side at this time and need to make the most of this opportunity to get it passed. But we need to get unreasonable spending (pork, waste, golden/silver fleece) out of Congress.

YES, as you can tell, I am a Conservative fiscally and politically, and currently a member of the Tea Party because I believe in their principles. But the Liberal Senate and the President, as well as many Republicans in both houses, need to realize that politics is not a zero sum game. There is a third player in this game. It is the American people who are taking a dim view of our government and their "bizzaro" politics. Have we lost sight that this is a government "... of the people, by the people, and for the people ..." as Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Stop the insanity!

Our government is out of control. For the first time in my 72 years, through wars, and economic downturns, I feel that our government is teetering on the edge of failure. Insistence on more spending and government control is NOT the answer.

Mr President and Liberal members of the Senate, please stop this game of chicken and do what is right for the citizens of this country! Our economy is in shambles, people are out of work and losing their homes. We are in the midst of a crisis, and you and the Liberal Senate want to keep pushing the agenda of bigger government and more spending. That does not work - unless of course your goal is Socialism. Is that what "Change" was about?

For many years, I tended to agree with conservative principles but would vote independently based on the "best person for the job" regardless of the party. Now I have joined and fully support the Tea Party and the Conservatives in Congress who hold the antitheses of your values. You were elected to support the Constitution, not to reshape government to suit your idea of what it "should be". Please stop turning this country into a welfare state where the citizens no longer have the right to choose their future. You are taking away our rights and choices in health care, business, and intruding more and more into our personal lives. Sounds like Socialism again.

Please stop the insanity! Government is "of the people, for the people, and by the people" and not for the personal agenda of one party. The Conservatives have it right with Cut, Cap, and Balance. No legislation is 100% but they have the correct idea to get government under control.