
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Capitalism is NOT a dirty word!

This great country was founded on Capitalism where people have the right, and the privilege, to create wealth for themselves and others through creative enterprise. It is the antithesis of socialism where government controls and stifles economic growth through unwieldy legislation and taxes.

We are the envy of the world because we have those freedoms engendered by Capitalism. Our Constitution was written by patriots who had the courage and foresight to see a great opportunity for a free and open society. They stood up against tyranny and control by a monarchy which would deny us those freedoms. We should not forget that many lives were lost in support of those freedoms for ourselves and other people around the globe.

Now we are returning to tyranny by a government bent on greater taxation, spending, and socialist policies. Do we need to again fight for our freedom? The early founders of our government anticipated that those in power would forget the principles laid out in our Constitution and even suggested that revolution would be necessary from time to time. Freedom of speech and public demonstration hopefully preclude the need for physical confrontation and bloodshed. But corruption and greed is still rampant in government at all levels and cannot be tolerated! We must continue to fight for our freedoms with each election and weed out those who ignore the will of the people. READ OUR LIPS ... NO NEW TAXES! Government spending must be reduced by getting rid of special interests, pork, and corruption.

Capitalism grows our economy, and wealth is not evil. Wealth acquired through hard work and entrepreneurship is what built this country. To destroy incentives of entrepreneurship by excessive taxation and our growing dependency of foreign money leads to increased welfare and the weakening of our economy.

The basic principles of good government are: Fiscal responsibility, free markets through Capitalism, and much less dependency on welfare. We are nearing the precipice of fiscal collapse. Government needs to understand that they are here primarily for the national defense, and to support the economy by ensuring fiscal responsibility. They are not here for the purpose of legislating morality, nor to pad their pockets with legislation to ensure their comfortable retirement and special privileges. Unions and government employees are citizens as well and must abide by the same laws and forgo special treatment.

The voters are angry, and will be watching as we approach the 2012 elections.

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